Thursday, August 4, 2011

barack obama - photos


Barack Obama enjoys 50th birthday with burgers and banter
Barack Obama celebrates his birthday at a Democrat fundraiser in Chicago where Herbie Hancock, far left, OK Go and Jennifer Hudson performed. Photograph: KeystoneUSA-ZUMA / Rex Features Barack Obama hasn't had much to cheer him up in the run-up to his ... read more

Poll: Romney tied with Obama in Florida
This is down from Obama's 51 percent approval rating in a late May poll Quinnipiac conducted. "President Barack Obama's numbers in the key swing state of Florida have gone south in the last two months. The debt ceiling deal is not making any difference ... read more

Debt-ceiling deal doesn't end this argument
In the end, President Barack Obama got his longer debt-ceiling extension, and tea party Republicans succeeded in forcing more future spending cuts as the price. But assessment of the ultimate fallout from ... read more


President Barack Obama
Barack Obamas Tax Plan
Barack Obama
Barack Obama Sound Clips
Barack Obama
As president, Mr. Obama has
President Elect Obama takes
Barack Obama
Barack Obamas historical
The President, yesterday

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