Saturday, February 5, 2011

laura mendoza govan - photos


Magic's Arenas served court petition during game
The court documents, obtained by The Associated Press, were a California petition filed by Laura Mendoza Govan. She identified herself as his ex-girlfriend ... read more

Cleveland Cavaliers lose their 23rd game in a row | NBA
The court documents were a California petition filed by Laura Mendoza Govan, who identified herself as his ex-girlfriend in the documents. ... read more

NBA Today
The petition seeks custody and child support for three children that ex-girlfriend Laura Mendoza Govan says Arenas fathered and has since "financially cut ... read more


Gloria Mendoza Govan (pictured
Laura Govan linked to
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Laura Mendoza Govan is
Laura Mendoza Govan
Laura Mendoza Govan
Laura Mendoza Govan
Laura Mendoza Govan
Laura Mendoza Govan

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