Sunday, March 6, 2011

may 21 2011 - photos


May 21, 2011, To Mark the End of the World?
On May 21, 2011, the world as we know it will come to an end, or so say Family Radio Worldwide and its followers who have embarked on Project Caravan to tell everyone the good news about The Rapture. Yes, they say it's good news, "awesome news," in ... read more

May 21 2011: Judgement Day
According to the Associated Press, Camping, 89, says the bible acts as a calendar by which the dates of prophecies can be calculated. “Beyond the shadow of a doubt, May 21 will be the date of the Rapture and the day of judgment.” Reporting with AP. read more

The end of the world as we know it? Not likely
That group's leader, Harold Camping, has determined through years of study of the Bible that Judgment Day will be May 21, 2011. That happens to be my bride's birthday. I guess I won't have to worry about buying her a present or getting her a card this ... read more


May 21, 2011
May 21, 2011 Bumper Sticker
By Chaplain Mike
Picture of the �May 21, 2011
on Saturday May 21, 2011.
That date is May 21, 2011.
May 21 warning
Rapture May 21, 2011;
The Rapture Will Occur May 21,
May 21, 2011: Judgment Day

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