Friday, October 14, 2011

make your mark - photos


Selena Gomez to Judge Disney's First-Ever Tween Dance Competition
The Disney Channel has created it's first-ever competition exclusively for kids and tweens, called “Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance-off- Shake It Up Edition.” Six finalists have been selected to compete at the ... read more

Make Your Mark. Make A Difference. Yes, You Can!
October 16 though 22 is Make Your Mark Week! GenerationOn is behind this wonderful opportunity for young people to focus on issues that matter most to them by doing small acts of service that add up to make a big difference. Their goal is to to inspire ... read more

Selena Gomez to Judge Disney's 'Make Your Mark' Dance Competiton
Selena Gomez is following in the footsteps of Jennifer Lopez and Chrisitna Aguilera – the starlet has reportedly signed on as a judge for Disney Channel's upcoming dance competition “Make Your Mark.” Access Hollywood reported that singer will join ... read more


Make Your Mark with a Ten Spot
Make Your Mark Mission Viejo
Make Your Mark image
Make Your Mark
Make Your Mark
Make Your Mark.
Make your Mark logo
Make Your Mark
Make Your Mark \x26middot; Refer a

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