Friday, November 11, 2011

uss carl vinson - photos


Obama on Carl Vinson for Carrier Classic
The USS Carl Vinson's mission on Friday night was to host college hoops as a Veterans Day salute to the military, and the nation's basketball-fan-in-chief dropped by to cheer on No. 1 North Carolina and Michigan State. President Barack Obama and first ... read more

Defending Joe Pa; UNC and Michigan State Take Over the USS Carl Vinson
Unlike other men's basketball season openers, this will be played on the USS Carl Vinson, which is currently docked in San Diego. That's the aircraft carrier that took Osama bin Laden's body to sea for burial. Also: it's an aircraft carrier! ... read more

Navy to promote itself during historic hoops game
Friday's historic North Carolina-Michigan State basketball game aboard the USS Carl Vinson couldn't have come at a more opportune time for a Navy facing deep defense cuts. Officials plan to seize the spotlight to showcase the Navy and its awe-inspiring ... read more


The USS Carl Vinson
Forces  USS Carl Vinson
carrier USS Carl Vinson.
CVN-70 Carl Vinson
CVN-70 Carl Vinson
The USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
on the USS Carl Vinson.
of the USS Carl Vinson
USS Carl Vinson 18
Carl Vinson and Carrier Air

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