Monday, July 5, 2010

rent a friend - photos


'Rent a Friend' online? It's gaining in popularity
We've heard of renting a husband to do home repair and the like, but renting a friend? That's apparently not as unknown as you might think, ... read more

Rent a Friend Ensures You Will Never Cry and Eat Chubby Hubby Alone Again
A website called RentaFriend claims to be have "thousands of Friends from all over the US & Canada available for rent." "Whether you are looking to hire a ... read more

Rent a Friend, Platonic Why?
In the world of rent an everything, rent a friend seems a little awkward in the sense that you have no choice about your parents, your relatives and your ... read more


Download Rent a Friend Movie
rent a friend.
rent-a-friend business
so-called rent-a-friend
Rent-A-Friend operates in many
Rent-a-friend in Japan
you can rent a friend for
relying on rent a friend

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